Otsego Open Playtime

Prairie Center 8899 Nashua Ave NE, Otsego

Kids ages 5 & under are invited to play and meet new friends at Otsego's Open Playtime. This drop-in program offers an open play session full of toys, crafts, active equipment, and activities. Come for the whole time or stay while you can. (Parent/guardian supervision is required.) Cost: $3/child at the door, or pick up an 11-visit punchcard for $20 at https://otsego.recdesk.com Please check Facebook for closures due to holidays or inclement weather:


Library Storytime

St. Michael Public Library 11800 Town Center Dr NE, St. Michael

Start your week out right... at the library! Share books, songs, and rhymes with your children at this storytime designed to promote school readiness in 0- to 5-year-olds. Librarians, caregivers, and children will sing, talk, read, write, and play together to build early literacy skills. Siblings are also welcome.
