If you’re looking for a *sweet* way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your family, check out these themed events happening throughout the holiday week. Many of these events require pre-registration, so be sure to click through to the links and sign up before they fill up!
Valentine Scavenger Hunt
During open hours | St. Michael Library
Stop by anytime this month and hunt for hearts hidden all around the library! Visit the front desk for a scavenger hunt sheet.
More info: griver.org/events/26/all/all/0/calendar/2021-02
Preschool Puppet Escapades
Friday, February 12 10am–12pm | Eastman Nature Center, Dayton
Preschoolers ages 2–6 are invited to watch a Valentine’s Day puppet show about Rosie the skunk at home and write a valentine for Rosie. Then visit the nature center anytime from 10am to noon to leave your valentine for Rosie, walk through the woods, try Valentine’s Day-themed activities, meet a special guest, and more. Reservations required by two days prior to receive video link. (Cost: $5/person)
Info & Register: web2.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/mnthreeriverswt.wsc/search.html?module=AR&fmid=175047401
Valentine’s Family Trail Adventure
Saturday, February 13 (times vary) | Eastman Nature Center, Dayton
Visit Valentine’s-themed stations along a trail with your family. Search for heart clues, follow a story trail, put out a birdseed treat for the birds, and earn a craft kit to make Valentine’s. Enjoy a short visit at a bonfire with a treat. Program is entirely outdoors. Reservations required by one week prior. (Cost: $20/family)
Info & Register: web2.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/mnthreeriverswt.wsc/search.html
Otsego Valentine Party
Saturday, February 13 9–10:30am | Prairie Center, Otsego
Little ones ages 3–6 are invited to enjoy a Valentine’s storytime, craft, snack, musical games, and lots of fun! (Cost: $25, Register online by Feb. 7)
Info & Register: otsego.recdesk.com/Community/Program/Detail?programId=1025
Toddler Tuesday at Color Me Mine
Tuesday, February 16 (times vary) | Color Me Mine, Maple Grove
Get creative with your little artist as he/she paints a mini heart jar. Choose a time slot to paint in studio or pick up a to-go kit and paint at home. (Recommended age 2–5, Cost: $10/child)
Info & Register: maplegrove.colormemine.com/calendar
FYCC Valentine Family Bingo (Virtual)
Tuesday, February 16 6:30–7:30pm
Join FYCC for a Valentine’s-themed Family Bingo on Zoom. Enjoy some family time and have a chance to win fun prizes! (Cost: $15/family, Register online)
More info: secure.rec1.com/MN/family-youth-community-connections/catalog
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