FYCC Halloween Event

FYCC Building 5975 Main Ave NE, Albertville, MN

FYCC is teaming up with local businesses to host a community Halloween event. Wear your costume, and dress warmly as this event takes place both indoors and outdoors. There will be a family-friendly haunted house, straw bale maze, Halloween bags, live music, games, prizes, candy and more! Please register at myfycc.com (Vendors may also register at the above link)




FYCC Building 5975 Main Ave NE, Albertville, MN

FYCC’s “The SPOT” is a program where 5th, 6th & 7th graders can hang out with friends in a safe, social environment. Each SPOT session will offer a unique class or fun field trip at varying times and prices ranging from $15 to $30. This summer's activities include bowling, rock climbing, Bunker Beach, and more! Visit myfycc.com to view activities and sign up.



FYCC Building 5975 Main Ave NE, Albertville, MN

FYCC’s “The SPOT” is a program where 5th, 6th & 7th graders can hang out with friends in a safe, social environment. Each SPOT session will offer a unique class or fun field trip at varying times and prices ranging from $15 to $30. This summer's activities include bowling, rock climbing, Bunker Beach, and more! Visit myfycc.com to view activities and sign up.